
iPhone 16 getting new OLED display, iPhone 15 reusing old tech

So, for the iPhone 15, Samsung Display will be reusing the same material set as the iPhone 14, called M12, which was also used on the Pro and Pro Max models. But, Samsung is also working on a new material set called M13, which will be used by Samsung itself and its clients. As for the iPhone 16, Samsung is reportedly working on a new material set called M14, specifically for Apple and expected to be used in 2024. The non-Pro models of the iPhone 15 will use a low-technical difficulty technology, while the Pro tier will use a harder-to-produce version.

The OLED presentations of the iPhone 15 series will involve similar accessories as the iPhone 14, however, Samsung Show is chipping away at new advances for the iPhone 16.
Samsung, the principal provider of presentations for Apple’s cell phone arrangement, at times changes the material set it utilizes for its variables as new advancements come accessible to use. It appears to be that, for the iPhone 15 in any event, it’ll reuse the very material set that it concocted for the iPhone 14.

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The OLED material set alludes to the light-emanating subcaste, the normal layers, and the high layers of individual pixels that make up the OLED show, An alternate material set shifts the organization of the elements.

As per wellsprings of The Elec, Samsung Show will utilize a material set known as M12, which Samsung likewise utilized on its collapsing cell phones. M12 was for starters utilized on the iPhone 14 Ace and Expert Max models, while the iPhone 14 and In addition utilize a previous M11 material set.

The activity of a material set can be yet doesn’t imply that Samsung isn’t growing new bones. The report guarantees that M13, another set, will be utilized by Samsung itself and its visitors, away from Apple itself.

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Samsung Show is likewise dealing with M14, a material set explicitly for Apple and expected to be utilized on the iPhone 16 out of 2024.

While the iPhone 15 will as far as anyone knows utilize M12, they will vary regarding the supporting innovation.

Thenon-Expert models are permitted to utilize low-temperature polycrystalline silicon( LTPS) dainty film semiconductors( TFT), a low-particular trouble innovation. In the meantime, the Ace association will utilize low-temperature polycrystalline oxide( LTPO) TFT rather, than a harder-to-yield understanding.

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Samsung is a showcase provider for all iPhone 15 models, with LG supporting the Ace model item. BOE should make shows for the-Master models, yet because of item issues, Samsung began screening items before redressing them.


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